Over the twenty years since we formed our group, many talented individuals have contributed to our performances. Today we continue in the spirit in which we began: sharing our love of flamenco and Spanish dance arts, reaching out beyond our community, preserving the art authentically. We offer presentations in flamenco history, as well as performances appropriate for any age group, from Sunflower Montessori Preschool to The Springs, and we can bring our own floor if need be! Rocky Mountain Ballet Theatre School is our home for flamenco classes for their students and adults. We are continuing our tradition of bringing world class flamenco artists to Missoula with Yaelisa, Jason McGuire, and Jesus Montoya coming in August, 2017. For more details, check our website www.flamencomt.com or call Victoria: 406-542-9270. Thank you for your interest in this venerable art, declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2010.
Flamenco Montana / Victoria Lenihan Dance

Rocky Mountain Ballet Theatre School, 2704 Brooks, Missoula, MT