What people are saying . . .
As Director of Arts Missoula GLOBAL, Udo has received seminar feedback from community leaders, business professionals, teachers and students on the structure, impact and benefit on the global and cultural awareness trainings he has developed and provided.

“Hats off, to this amazingly beneficial program! Udo Fluck provided an age-appropriate,
Kayla Picard, 3rd Grade Teacher, St. Joseph Elementary School
engaging multicultural program for my third graders. He brings his knowledge, passion and a
wide collection of hats to the classroom, which captured the students’ (and my) attention. My
students went from just knowing where Montana was located on a map, to pinpointing Peru,
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and many more countries around our world. Along with identifying
countries on a map, they also were able to correlate that country’s hat to its history, geography,
and differentiated materials to create the specific hat for that region. I was amazed by the impact
of this program, and what all the hats were made from and their purposes! As a third grade
teacher, I am so thankful that this program exists. Multicultural education is so beneficial for our
students, I look forward to working with Udo Fluck again! Hats off to this program!”
“Udo Fluck brings common-sense, practical and useful cultural education to folks who need to work with a wide variety of people. His certification seminars on fostering multicultural awareness, diversity and inclusion, have benefited the Police Department, Correctional Services employees, health care practitioners and business professionals in our city. His trainings focus on best practices for overcoming barriers to cross-cultural communication and dealing appropriately with the behavioral patterns of people from various ethnicities, living and working in a pluralistic, multicultural society. Udo has helped ensure that we are serving all citizens to the best of our ability. ”
Mayor John Engen, City of Missoula
“I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Fluck for many years now. As an expert in intercultural awareness, he regularly provides workshops to our students and program participants on the topics of cultural adjustment, cultural integration, and intercultural competence. Participants often comment about how well Dr. Fluck can capture the experience of cultural adjustment and the emotions that go along with it; this helps them to recognize that their emotions are normal and to adjust to their new life more easily.”
Jeanie Castillo, English Language Institute (ELI) Program Chair, University of Montana
“Dr. Fluck’s global and cultural skill-building seminars have spread across our District, including middle and high school classrooms. Over the course of the last 5 years, hundreds of Missoula County Public School (MCPS) students have participated in Dr. Fluck’s seminars. Additionally, he has developed and offered trainings for teachers at all three educational levels: elementary, middle and high school. These trainings have helped teachers enhance their knowledge and develop lessons to incorporate global education into their classrooms. Those who participated later told me how much they enjoyed the course and how they would incorporate what they learned into their classrooms.”
David Rott, Executive Director of Human Resource, Missoula County Public Schools
“The Hats Around the World seminars did an amazing job of introducing our students to the world as a whole. Many of them have a hard time conceptualizing the world as a whole. Udo did a fantastic job of exposing my students to the world as a whole, identifying where they lived in the world, and then taking them for an adventure each week around the world. My students were highly engaged, looked forward to his visits, and retained so much of what they were taught. Our students loved seeing all of the hats and making connections to how something so simple as a hat has so much information encompassed within it. His time in our classroom has given the students a more worldly view and now they are exploring other countries around the world to continue to further their worldly knowledge.”
Tricia Owens, 3rd Grade Teacher, Lowell Elementary School
“My students loved the seminars. Watching the completion was the best part to see how much they recalled from the name of the country and hat to finding the location on the map. They were so proud of themselves for remembering 100% of the questions. Thanks for all you do and I look forward to working with you again next year!”
Ashley Flanagan, 2nd Grade Teacher, Jeannette Rankin Elementary School
“Cross-cultural management was, by far, the best academic course I had ever taken through UM. The course opens your mind to other cultures values, ways of life, and how to be successful. I found it incredibly fascinating, surprising, and useful to learn the similarities and differences in other countries. I believe this cross-cultural management course was the best preparation for me to be successful in other cultures and mitigate culture shock. I have been lucky enough to land a climate consultant job, with a company that specializes in sustainability in 57 countries. My job will require me to travel and interact with different cultures around the world; motivating them, employing them, and learning their ways of life to create successful, collaborative outcomes. Also, my job will allow me to enact positive change while experiencing different cultures at the same time. Without taking BMGT 480, I would have never realized my interest in cross-cultural management and wouldn’t have felt prepared to not only experience other cultures, but conduct business internationally.”
Adin Rackham, University of Montana Graduate, Class of 2022
“It has been such a pleasure having Udo Fluck in our building. Our students absolutely loved the seminars and enjoyed learning about all the countries. It is something that I hope all schools will have the opportunity to take part in. Udo was such a dynamic speaker. He had so much fun with the kids and he interacts so well with them. I would highly recommend that all elementary students have this amazing opportunity.”
Christina Stevens, Principal, Jeannette Rankin Elementary School
“With humor, insight, and sensitivity, Udo Fluck’s seminar helped participants navigate the complex waters of ethics and cultural diversity. His inclusive approach and self-effacing leadership made a diverse audience comfortable in discussing these challenging issues. Attendees came away with a better understanding of cultural diversity, and with helpful tools to succeed and lead in an increasingly global society.”
Susan Hay Patrick, CEO, United Way of Missoula County
“As leaders, the awareness and competence to interact with an increasingly diverse audience is critical to our success with employees, colleagues, customers, and the larger community. It is also a foundation of work that is grounded in ethics and justice. If you have a chance to attend a workshop by Dr. Udo Fluck, please do so – you will not be sorry! Instead you will be a better leader and a more ethical professional.”
Betsy Mulligan-Dague, Executive Director, Jeannette Rankin Peace Center
“This could have easily been a polarizing topic. However, Udo was great at making our team feel comfortable with heavy subjects. He kept the entire room engaged and at no point did things feel slow or tiresome. I loved that the training was broken up into discussions, mini lectures, and activities that had us exploring a plethora of ideas. Our team emerged excited and eager to continue these conversations.”
Kat Franchino, YMCA Director
“The Global Competence” and “Hats Around the World” program is an incredibly valuable program for any classroom. Our students learned and retained so much information about different places in the world. They were engaged during each lesson and were able to make great connections along the way. With each new lesson and each new week, the students were so excited to see Udo and to find out where we were going next. The third-grade parents were equally impressed with the program. We heard from many of them how much their students loved learning about different countries and how they came home after each seminar to share details they learned. We definitely impressed our principal as well with the amount they were able to recall about world geography after just 15 short seminars. We can’t wait to have Udo back next year and in years to come!”
Lizzy Vance, Ashley Yuhas, Rachelle Eggleston, 3rd Grade Teachers, Lolo Elementary School
“We greatly appreciate you and the time you have spent with our classes this year. The students have learned so much. They always look forward to your visits. I am amazed at how you have been able to make this a district – wide program for all that have an interest. Thank you for all the years that you have provided this awesome program to all of our students. I hope that it continues to grow and expand in the future. Let’s be sure to keep in touch. It has been a highlight for many students. With Gratitude & Appreciation!”
Barb Matz, 3rd Grade Teacher, Rattlesnake Elementary School
“Global literacy is such an important thing to introduce to students in their early years. We truly are a global society, and even in Missoula, Montana, we see new people coming to our town from faraway places. It is so important to expose kids to the world, to promote understanding and tolerance and grow their interest in others. The Hats Around the World program does such a great job of introducing students to where they are in conjunction to the world. I think by starting with a student’s own place and then building from there, a broader world vision grows. My students looked forward to Udo’s visits, retained the information presented, and are so excited to learn more. We have extended our learning that the Hats Around the World program sparked to include an informational research writing project.”
Kinza Cusic, 3rd Grade Teacher, Lowell Elementary School
“Dr. Fluck approaches cultural differences and diversity training from an organic perspective of how we as humans acquire our own cultural identity, which makes for a very positive approach to these issues. It is not about thou shall be politically correct, but instead with much humor and a common sense approach, he shows how our exposure to other cultures can lead to openness to and understanding of our differences and ultimately to multiculturalism and respect. He teaches an emphasis on appreciation and acceptance without judgment or assumptions in such a gentle way, and the simplicity of his training makes it easy to apply his lessons to real world settings.”
Leslie McShane, YMCA Director
“I loved having Dr. Udo Fluck visit my classroom once a week to share his knowledge about hats and countries. My students looked forward to his lesson every week. They learned so much about many different places around the world. They were always able to identify the countries and continents each week, truly fascinating!! Dr. Fluck has a unique way of presenting facts about the special hat as well as the country from which it came. To this day, my students still talk about the facts they learned. One of my students said, “I like that he didn’t just teach us about the hats, he taught us about the countries.” I am so very grateful that I had the opportunity to have Dr. Fluck teach my students.“
Maureen Loewenwarter, 3rd Grade Teacher, Rattlesnake Elementary School
“Dr. Fluck’s presentations allow anyone to gain a good foundational knowledge of Cultural Competency. Dr. Fluck has a vast knowledge of these topics and always uses engaging, real life examples and helpful graphics to explain the different aspects of culture. Whether you are working with a colleague in the cube across from you or Skyping a business partner around the World, understanding cultural differences are a critical part of a thriving business.”
Jordan Partridge, Human Resources, Consumer Direct Care Network
“My class would discuss what Hat you would bring next and engage in conversations about what they had learned and what they already knew. It was amazing to see them so excited about other cultures and share their prior knowledge. Even weeks after your last visit they brought forth their cultural knowledge during an English Language Arts lesson. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, time and passion with my students. I hope to have you back every year as I find it to be essential to my students’ learning.”
Jaqueline Wood, 3rd Grade Teacher, Franklin Elementary School
“I thoroughly enjoyed your lessons about hats around the world. I find it imperative that students learn about other cultures around the world as well as geography. Your lessons were a great way to meld the two together. My students were focused and interested in all the information you presented. I was impressed with how much they retained. You sparked their interests for traveling and headwear!”
Laurel Kress, 2nd Grade Teacher, Jeannette Rankin Elementary School
“Having Dr. Fluck present to our 7th graders was a very worthwhile experience. Students need to be aware of cultures outside of their own, and Dr. Fluck does a nice job of presenting material in a way that students can understand, giving them more of a global perspective and an opportunity to look at others with an open mind. The content presented enhanced the learning of different ancient cultures in Social Studies, and they also learned a ton of new vocabulary! We look forward to having Dr. Udo Fluck present to our students each year.”
Charlie Struna, 7th Grade Teacher, Meadow Hill Middle School
“Dr. Fluck has helped teachers and students develop a common language around outside perspectives that supports rich classroom discussion and curricular connections, but as a fellow teacher, I also want to mention my appreciation and admiration for Dr. Fluck’s approach with our seventh graders. He skillfully established rapport and engaged them in the learning. On each successive day, he provided a brief review of previous concepts, promoting students’ confidence and cementing their new knowledge. In English class, students frequently refer to examples and ideas they remember from Dr. Fluck’s seminars, and in so doing, enrich our classroom discussions as well as their written assignments. Dr. Fluck’s work with seventh graders at Meadow Hill has enhanced and deepened students’ learning well beyond the actual days of his presentation. It is my hope that our school will have the opportunity to invite him to return next year to work with our students.”
Terri Daniels, 7th Grade Teacher, Meadow Hill Middle School
“Udo Fluck has an amazing presentation about Hats from Around the World. He has done a lot of research about different areas around the world, and has developed an incredible presentation for kids. My third graders thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and looked forward to Dr. Fluck coming to our classroom. Dr. Fluck’s presentation was perfect for third graders!! My son was able to participate in Dr. Fluck’s presentation when he was in kindergarten, and he still talks about the “hat guy”. Dr. Fluck is so knowledgeable, and such an amazing educator that he is able to tailor his presentation to many different grade levels. Every class should participate in this wonderful activity.”
Angie Palin, 3rd Grade Teacher, Franklin Elementary School
“I want to say thank you for taking the time to go to Maureen’s class and teach children about places and cultures around the world. Levi has seemingly hung on every word, telling us how you “taught about how people are different by showing the hats they wear”. Now that is creative!“
Laurie Schlueb, mother of a student at Rattlesnake Elementary School
“Dr. Fluck, I would like to thank you for the cultural and global competence seminars you offered for the University of Montana’s Criminology Club, spring semester 2022. I recommend your training to all law enforcement groups. As the world becomes more interconnected, cultural and global competence is key in order to communicate and not misinterpret people’s behavior and actions. This is most important in law enforcement, as the United States is the center of many different cultures. Your interactive presentations are educating participants, are enlightening and prevent misinterpretation. Through cultural and global competence training, we can promote understanding between people of different cultural backgrounds and promote peaceful interactions and outcomes.”
Sergeant Thomas “TJ” Johnson, University of Montana Police Department
“Thank you so much for coming into our classroom this year. The students loved your Friday lessons. Being in person, showing the hats, and interacting with the students again, in a traditional way, really helped the kiddos build new skills. By the end of the 14 weeks, my students learned so much. They learned the names of countries, their locations, and countless interesting facts. The rationale behind each hat offered students the opportunity to make connections to the area by associating climate, culture, and traditions. Additionally, I loved how you have shared the slides for the last day. We prepped the whole week. It gave the kids something tangible to hold on to help deepen their knowledge and understanding. The big competition was a huge success. I hope it continues to be a part of the seminar experience. Thank you for being your knowledge and expertise into my classroom.”
Amanda Ranstrom, 2nd Grade Teacher, Jeannette Rankin Elementary
“Thank you again for teaching us about hats this year. We really enjoyed your visits and the chance for the students to experience the world. Each week my students were excited to see you and wondering what our next hat would be. Having taught overseas, I loved re-visiting the different places I have lived and traveled as a reminder of all of the wonders there are to see. Your visits were also a great way to tie into our Social Studies curriculum and Reading Program. As we read stories, it has been awesome to relate the text to the hats you brought in. Because of your lessons, the students have more background knowledge which makes the stories more meaningful and accessible. I look forward to your future visits!”
Jamie Moe, 2nd Grade Teacher, Jeannette Rankin Elementary School
“Dr. Fluck is currently the acting Director of Global and Cultural Affairs here in Missoula. He brings a great deal of experience to the classroom. During his time at Meadow Hill, he dedicated himself in assuring that each 7th grade student gains a deeper perspective of how lifestyles throughout the world can vary. Under Dr. Fluck’s guidance, students spent the week experiencing a wide variety of short lectures, hands-on activities, and small group discussions. The overall theme led students through scenarios on how mannerisms in one culture can look a great deal different within a different culture. One example taught helped students understand how body language and vocal tones can vary greatly from culture to culture. Through this approach of understanding world-wide cultural differences, students gained a better understanding of how some peers may be experiencing local events within our community and school district different than from their own perspectives and experiences.”
Donald E. Griffith, 7th Grade Teacher, Meadow Hill Middle School
“I found each presentation and discussion to be done very well with a review from the previous week, before moving forward with that week’s cultural awareness material. I was able to take part in some of the demonstrations and occasionally added details/perspectives that I’ve noticed in my travels/experiences in accessing/observing various cultures. My students were engaged and asking questions or sharing their thoughts/ideas (when normally this is a pretty quiet group for the most part), as they were actively involved in the discussions and different perspective thinking processes. If I could suggest any changes, I would suggest that there be more classes added to the seminar series. I would sign up for the seminars again in a heartbeat, if there were more classes available for 7th grade.”
Cody Munson, 7th Grade Teacher, DeSmet Middle School
“My students are being engaged in the content. I think the way you present the content is very interesting and the facts are very fun to learn. The spiral method to review information and connect it with their place of origin makes the content relevant to the students and they engage quickly in the information. We appreciate immensely all your hard work and your support to connect us with the world around us. This collaboration and the one we do with the map unit is something I would love to maintain in the future. Your skills to share information make it super fun for the students.”
Patricia Cano, 2/3 Multiage Teacher, Missoula International School
“Today was our final lesson in Hats From Around the World with Dr. Udo Fluck. It has been such an enjoyable learning activity for my students. I just sat and witnessed my kids identify 14 different countries or place names and the names of their respective hats on a blank world map during their final lesson and competition. I was more than impressed at the kid’s engagement and excitement for learning about these places each week. Furthermore, we gained a better understanding of community on a global scale, which has not been a part of my student’s learning in such a meaningful way in years past. Thank you for allowing us to have this exceptional learning opportunity.”
James Quigley, 3rd Grade Teacher, Target Range School
“Dr. Fluck brings intercultural theory and practice to life in well-crafted, thoughtful, engaging workshops and trainings. For many years, Dr. Fluck has brought dynamic seminars to the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows program at the University of Montana’s Global Engagement Office and English Language Institute. Participants from around the world comment on how well Dr. Fluck captures their experiences in navigating and adjusting to a new culture and provides practices they can implement from day one.”
Donna Anderson, PhD, Senior International Officer & Executive Director, Global Engagement Office, UM
“We are so appreciative of your lessons with us on instruments around the world. My students were particularly engaged with hearing the sounds and learning the origins of instruments and how they make sound. They also loved hearing facts about flora, fauna, people and geography of the places, especially the little-known facts that you shared. I noticed the students enjoyed when you tested their memories to recall information when you did the review each time. Their eagerness to participate and patience in waiting for their turn was impressive. I think the program is a great fit for this unit and hope we can collaborate when we teach these concepts again.”
John Kratz, 2/3 Multiage Teacher, Missoula International School
The student feedback below was provided by Lisa Moser, German and French teacher at Hellgate High School, using only the initials of her students to protect their privacy:
HS: “I thought the presentation was great! I learned some useful distinctions about culture. I liked that it was interactive, not just sitting and listening. Everyone needs to know about interacting with other cultures.”
EM: “I learned how I can make interactions with exchange students more comfortable. It helped me understand there is more to a culture than meets the eye….I enjoyed the humor Dr. Fluck brought to class.”
JY: “It’s useful information, assuming people remember it. The world’s only getting more connected.”
LM: “I always thought I did OK with understanding and knowing other cultures, but I never noticed how I am really completely immersed in just my own.”
MJ: “I am glad he came in to talk about cultural awareness, even though I have thought about this topic a lot and we have talked about it in other classes. I liked how he went about teaching us and I thought it was engaging.”
LD: “I am really glad Udo took the time to come talk to us. He made me think about aspects of culture that I hadn’t considered before. I think what he presented will help me open my mind and heart to interacting with different cultures. I am especially excited to use this knowledge when immersing myself in different cultures for really the first time in my life this coming summer. I can’t wait to expand my awareness and understanding of the world and Udo’s presentation has given me a very good place to start.”
MH: “His visuals were really helpful to understand the terms and concepts he was talking about. What he was teaching us is really important for how we choose to act and behave in the future and our views towards people who are different than us.”
KH: “I found the presentation to be very eye opening. I have never listened to this presentation to completion. It showed why understanding other cultures is beneficial to world politics. It also taught us that cultures extend far more than what one sees.”
EAB: “In Dr. Fluck’s lessons on global competence, I found his personal space demonstration the most interesting. The reason for this is that Dr. Fluck demonstrates the subconscious ways that our culture affects us.”
RO: (she wrote in German- she is in her 3rd semester- Streber J) “Ich habe die Vorlesung sehr interessant gefunden. Es hat sehr gut die Wichtigkeit von kulturellem Bewusstsein erklärt. Ich habe die Metaphern hilfreich gefunden. Es hat viel Klarheit gegeben.”
OS: “Udo’s presentation was really interesting. I learned a lot about what culture is, and examples of culture that I had never thought about before. He also kept it pretty engaging. That kept it from getting boring.”