Missoula City Band

Missoula City Band Performance




For well over a hundred years, the Missoula City Band has¬†been bringing fine band music to the public in our open-air concerts. They continue this grand tradition with renewed spirit.\n\nConcerts are on each Wednesday evening at the Bonner Park Band Shell (corner of Ronald & Hastings Streets, in the University Area) at 8pm; June 25 – August 6. This community service is provided by the generous support of the City of Missoula, hundred of willing musicians and supporters, and YOU!\n\nThe music is great, the venue cool & sublime, the experience; part of what makes Missoula such a wonderful place to be in the summer. Come and enjoy an evening of fine band music entertainment. You’ll be glad you did!\n\nRehearsals each Monday evening 7-9 PM Sentinel High School Band Room, 901 South Ave West. Gigs each Wednesday 8-9 PM at the Bonner Band Shell, corner of Ronald and Hastings Avenues. Participation is open to all adult music makers and selected high schools students by recommendation and audition.\nPlease contact 728-2400 Ext 7041.\nYour comments, suggestions and ideas are encouraged.\nCity Band Hotline 728-2400 ext. 7541 for weekly updates.


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