Marvin Soroos, a retired professor of international relations and global environmental politics at North Carolina State University, ¬†now¬†divides his time between Raleigh, North Carolina, and his childhood home in Missoula, MT. Marvin is an award winning landscape painter, known for creating¬†captivating works of art which encompass the true beauty and detail of the distances he’s traveled.\n\nThe subjects of his paintings are drawn from the Big Sky country of Montana and rural North Carolina, and from his extensive travels both within the United States and abroad.¬†His international travels have taken him through much of Western Europe, including the British Isles and Scandinavia, Russia and eastern Europe, Central and South America, southern and eastern Asia, the Persian Gulf region, and Australia.¬†He has been a visiting professor at universities in Finland and Bulgaria, and at Williams College in western Massachusetts.\n\nHis paintings have appeared in juried shows and in solo and group exhibitions¬†in North Carolina, Montana, Wyoming, and Kansas.¬† They have also been displayed in galleries in Raleigh, Missoula, Omaha, and Cody, Wyoming.¬†His scenes of rural North Carolina have won several awards in the combined amateur painting division at the North Carolina State Fair, including an Agricultural Commissioner‚Äôs Purchase Award.\n\n \n\n \n\n
Marvin Soroos