Claire Emery is an interdisciplinary artist and educator who works for community vitality through her woodblock prints, educational workshops and artist-in-residence programs. Trained as a natural science illustrator, place-based educator, and a contemporary artist, Claire sees art as a catalyst that engages people and communities in creating vitality, resilience and clarity. Claire designs workshops, accepts commissions, illustrates books, and collaborates with scientists, conservationists, farmers, and artists around the state. She sells her original, limited edition woodblock prints through She teaches classes in keeping an illustrated natural history field journal, printmaking, nature drawing, landscapes and the zen of drawing. She has worked as an artist in residence in Montana primary and secondary schools for over 15 years, sponsored by the Montana Arts Council. She has taught at the Missoula Art Museum, Montana Audubon, The Montana Natural History Center, Project WET, the Wilderness Institute, the Watershed Education Network, Montana State Parks, Northwest Connections, and many other venues. |
Claire Emery

P.O. Box 8656 Missoula, MT 59807