Now, more than ever, it is crucial that you make sure you are registered to vote, educate yourselves on the candidates and issues, and cast your ballot. Representation matters, and as artists, organizations, and arts supporters, your voices are vital in shaping the future. Supporting the arts does not mean neglecting basic needs; it is not a binary choice between arts and housing or arts and food. Individual expression and creativity are fundamental to our humanity, fostering empathy, love, and kindness through participation and observation. Stand up for the arts and ensure they remain a vibrant part of our community by making your voice heard at the polls. Make your pledge to support the arts this year. Ensure you are registered to vote and check out this page for more information on why the arts matter and what you can do to support them.

Ensure your vote is COUNTED on election day, Tuesday Nov. 5, 2024!
Follow these easy steps from ArtsVote in Montana: CLICK HERE
Representation in D.C. matters. They listen to constituents and if arts and the preservation of culture matters to you, don’t let your voice go unheard. The following are bills, acts and informational one pagers that Arts Missoula and Americans for the Arts are keeping a close eye on and continue communicating with Montana legislators about. Things on Capitol Hill change daily, so as soon as we post this information, it can change. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We will keep you posted about new information as it becomes available.

Click on the links below to learn more
National Endowment for the Arts Leave Behind
Performing Artist Tax Parity Act
Support Arts Education Funding
Veterans Community Arts Engagement